Business Process Outsourcing Here to Stay

All over the world, BPO outsourcing has taken every industry and has become a preferred method of doing business. Small and large companies in the country are taking advantage of it to sustain and even increase their operations. Even traditionally styled business firms are utilizing this business concept to make them more viable in the modern market situation. Their clients are also benefited by this approach because services geared to satisfy their requirements can be easily supplied.

Mexico has position itself as a prime provider of these services by taking advantage of its proximity to the United States. While other outsourcing services providers are several hundred miles away and with substantial time differences; Mexico just lies at our front steps, within easy reach and access and using Central Standard Time.

This resulted in the development of the outsourcing companies in that country. This advance of business outsourcing was also made possible because Mexico has a firm base of educated IT workers plus the fact that is so close to the US allows for an endless supply of fully bilingual resources. Mexico also graduates more people in IT than any other Latin American country. Without this pool of qualified bilingual resources plus technical workers, but outsourcing could not have developed as it did. They can now offer the same quality of outsourcing services that other far-flung countries have monopolized before.

BPO is not just about cutting cost but also the ability for many companies to provide better service, increase their reach and to gain competitive advantage. Small and medium companies today are learning what big companies know: they need to take advantage of business process outsourcing and outsource non core functions like: customer service, help desk, account processing, transaction processing and other back office functions to name a few, to compete in the market place and reduce time to market.

One great advantage of outsourcing to Mexico is its almost identical time zone with that of the US. This enables companies in the US to schedule meetings and conferences without the difficulty of adjusting the time. If a staff from the US company need to meet with an outsourced staff in Mexico, they can do it in real time without causing undue stress among themselves.

Definitely, the biggest advantage of utilizing an outsource service is the enormous savings that can be realized. The cut in expenditures could go as high as 30% or even higher in some cases. This alone is more than enough incentive for a commercial enterprise to adapt it in its operation. The savings can then be used to finance further expansion. This would not be possible if the company owners insisted on operating their business in the traditional way.

With the way things are going with business outsourcing, it would be safe to assume that this method of sustaining a commercial operation is here to stay. The marriage between IT and commerce has in fact spawned a myriad of other business activities where outsourcing is now being applied. Standard office procedures like accounting, payroll, inventory management, etc. are now being processed by outsourcing companies outside of the US as well as customer facing functions as customer service, help desk and technical support.